As you’re listing your new year’s resolutions or completing your vision board for 2022, don’t forget to add setting effective boundaries and sticking to them.
Setting and sticking to boundaries is just as important as setting and achieving goals. Don’t believe me? Hear me out. When you don’t have good boundaries in place, outside sources (think: friends, family members, your job, etc.) can actually get in the way of you achieving your goals for the year.
Makes sense, right?
Here’s how to say no to the things that aren’t serving you this year, so that you can start serving up success and confidence instead:
- Be honest with yourself. Are you saying “yes” to things because they actually feel good and make you happy, or because you think someone else is expecting something from you?
- Write down a list of boundaries or commitments to yourself, and put the list somewhere you will see. Are you going to not check your work emails after “normal” work hours? Maybe you’re blocking off certain days of the week for self-care or time with family. I know someone who is no longer saying yes to overtime because they said yes all of 2021 and they’re burnt out. Write down the boundaries that are right for you.
- Practice. It makes perfect, right? This could be saying your boundaries out loud to yourself, or maybe practicing acting out scenarios with a close friend. The more you say them, the easier it’ll be to follow through when the time comes.
- Be kind to yourself. Setting boundaries is hard – especially for us recovering people pleasers! It’s going to take a while before you feel comfortable, but you’re winning as long as you’re trying.
- Respect other people’s boundaries, too. Don’t forget that setting boundaries is difficult but necessary for everyone. If you notice a friend voicing a boundary, be sure to honor it and not take it as a personal rejection.
You got this, girl! Here’s to a wonderful 2022 🥂
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