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7 Things you can start doing NOW to have better skin

Hey there! My name is Gina Nguyen, I am the woman behind Blog. Skincare has been a passion of mine since I was a teenager! My mom taught me to always take care of my skin at all costs. Some women like to splurge on clothes, purses, perfume, and makeup. I like to splurge on skincare!

Our skin is our largest organ and we seldom stop to think about the things we are doing to nurture that organ. Did you know skin absorbs everything it comes in contact with?

Here are 7 things you can start implementing today to have better skin tomorrow.. without spending a dime!

Wash your hands before touching your face
Drink More Water. A hydrated inside equals a hydrated outside.
Get more Sleep. Our skin cells regenerate at night, so it needs its rest, too!
Wash your pillowcases and sheets regularly. Like, weekly!
Clean your phone regularly. At least every other day! Studies show our phones are more filthy than toilet bowls!
Watch what you eat. Beauty starts from the inside out!
Check the ingredients on your current products and make sure they are not harmful to your body! You’d be surprised, but there are a lot of harmful chemicals found in our every day personal care products. Check your ingredients on

I hope this checklist was helpful to you. If you have any other questions about skincare or improving your skin, don’t hesitate to reach out! Find me at or send me an email at

7 Things you can start doing NOW to have better skin


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