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Why I Broke Up With My Scale

Why I Broke Up With My Scale

I threw my scale out. Yep, that’s right. I haven’t weighed myself in about 6 months. I used to live and breathe by the number on that scale. If I was up one pound I felt defeated instantly. I would diet or skip meals just to binge eat later and loathe myself even...

6 Month Boxiversary

This month Passion & Growth celebrates our 6 month Boxiversary, yes I just made that word up. P&G has become so much more then I ever could have imagined. I started on this journey last fall with a vision and not a lick of business knowledge. I wanted to make...
4 Signs You’re in A Toxic Relationship

4 Signs You’re in A Toxic Relationship

Earlier this month, I talked about Why We Need Positive Friendships, but, unfortunately, we all know that not every relationship we have in life will be positive. This week, I want to talk to you about those relationships that are so far from positive that they become...
Why We Need Positive Friendships

Why We Need Positive Friendships

Friendships can have a major impact on your health and well-being, but it’s not always easy to build or maintain friendships. Having friends who care about you can have a huge impact on your mental health and overall happiness in life. It’s great to find...
Personal Growth Isn’t Always Easy

Personal Growth Isn’t Always Easy

Social media is saturated with shiny, glowing images of successful people explaining how they have changed their lives and so can you. “It’s easy,” they say. “It’ll be a fun journey,” they say. And sometimes it can be. Today, I want to talk about when it’s not.  There...
7 Things you can start doing NOW to have better skin

7 Things you can start doing NOW to have better skin

Hey there! My name is Gina Nguyen, I am the woman behind Blog. Skincare has been a passion of mine since I was a teenager! My mom taught me to always take care of my skin at all costs. Some women like to splurge on clothes, purses, perfume, and makeup. I...