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November Passion & Growth Box Reveal

So many women are too hard on themselves. Society has taught us for so long that we need to be a picturesque, perfect version of a woman. Whether it is being a certain weight or size, dressing or acting a certain way, climbing the corporate ladder, or being the mom that has 30 hours in a day. So, it is totally understandable that we become our own biggest critics.

We have come a long way from charm schools teaching women that their value was defined by their ability to sit still and look pretty, but we still have a LOT of work to do to fully empower ourselves to live our true, authentic lives without the pressure to be perfect. It starts with allowing yourself to focus on fulfillment instead of perfection, forgiving yourself for making mistakes, and realizing that you are enough just as you are.

November’s theme is Give Yourself Grace, and this box is here to do just that!

Let’s take a look.

In The Beautiful No by Sheri Salata, the author shares her story of loving her career, but realizing she is less than stoked about her life outside of that. She details her adventure to find herself and figure out what she wants out of the rest of her life, all while having to give herself grace.

The Self-Care Master Plan by Free Period Press is an absolute joy. It’s so interactive and customizable, and subscribers are able to personalize every detail. I also love how you can leave the pages in the book for future reference, OR you can tear them out and place them somewhere you will see everyday as reminders to focus on self-care.

The Affirmation Deck by Cultivate Confidence has been a HUGE hit with subscribers this month. I see so many ladies sharing theirs on Instagram stories, and it warms my heart to know that they are being reminded that they are capable, fierce women.

One of my favorite ways to destress after a long day is to throw on a hair mask and soak in the tub with a glass of wine! This hair moisture healing mask by Nelson J is perfect for just that! It has a combination of benefits, and the coconut scent makes me feel like I’m at a beach spa retreat, even while the temps here in Texas are getting cooler.

Girl. Remember that part in Harry Potter, when Harry is attacked by the dementor, and all of the happiness is drained out of him? Then, Professor Lupin orders Harry to eat chocolate to feel better? I think it may have been this dark chocolate truffle bar by Seattle Chocolate. It is so incredibly delicious that I could see it bringing happiness back after the dementors have taken it away. Or, you know, cure any regularly bad day, too.

This bar in particular spoke to me and the team because it is dedicated to the women who fought to pass the 19th Amendment 100 years ago, allowing white women the opportunity to vote for the first time in our country. Thankfully, today all women share in this right, and the future is looking more and more female with each election.

Like I said above, the temps are finally dropping here in Texas, and I know our Canadian subscribers are feeling even colder temps! To prepare for the chill, I wanted this box to include something cozy for you, so I found this adorable knitted headband by Leto. I hope that when you are out in the wind and cold, you are reminded that you have a tribe of women in the Passion & Growth Society cheering you on every step of the way.

I also did a live unboxing of the November box here:

I hope you’re giving yourself grace this month.

Interested in receiving self-love items for yourself? Subscribe here for next month before it sells out! 

Next month’s theme: Give Back

The holiday season is all about giving, and we have used that as inspiration for the December box. All products have been sourced from female-owned companies who give back to the community in some way. We are already running low in stock, so grab yours today!

November Passion & Growth Box Reveal


Monthly Subscription Box starting at $45.99