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The Ultimate Guide to Uplifting Women – Including You

Empowered women have the power to make a difference in the world, and I truly believe that. Every day, in both big and small ways, we contribute to making the world a better place. Whether through our work, leadership, roles as mothers, or countless other ways, we leave our mark.

And you know what? I don’t see us slowing down anytime soon. We’re strong, capable, and freer than ever to be ourselves. Sure, things aren’t perfect, and there are still gender gaps to bridge. But we’ve come a long way because we’ve persisted and pushed through obstacles.

It’s all about empowerment—empowering ourselves and empowering the women around us. So, as International Women’s Day approaches, let’s explore different ways we can continue lifting each other up. Keep reading to find out how!

In the Workplace

It’s time to stop seeing other women as competition, but as allies who we will see at the top. Rather than engaging in constant competition with female colleagues, why not advocate for them and support each other in reaching new heights?

If you’re in a leadership role, consider mentoring others and don’t forget to acknowledge their achievements. Moreover, respect their boundaries and create a healthy and inclusive work environment. Women are resilient and good multi-taskers, but that doesn’t mean that you have to bombard them with tasks. Empowering your female colleagues means that you respect their personal growth and know that they have a life beyond work.

At Home

Celebrating the remarkable women in your family—whether it’s your mom, sister, or mother-in-law—is essential!  You don’t have to wait for a special occasion or make a big gesture. A simple act like a phone call, helping with chores, or spending quality time together can mean everything.

Another way to empower them is by encouraging self-care. Support them in taking time for themselves, pursuing their passions, or tackling tasks they’ve been postponing. Embracing their individuality outside of the roles they have at home is crucial for their happiness and fulfillment.

Your Kids

Start empowering your girls early on! It’s important to instill a sense of strength, empowerment, and capability in your daughters from a young age. Pay attention to the messages you convey about gender and be mindful of your own biases. Avoid limiting girls by telling them what they can or cannot do, as these messages can shape their beliefs about themselves.

Boost their self-esteem by recognizing and celebrating their abilities and positive qualities. Focus less on their appearance and more on their talents and accomplishments. While compliments about looks are nice, it’s important to show girls that they are valued for more than just their appearance. And don’t forget to lead by example! Be a shining role model of empowered women for the young girls in your life to look up to.

Your Friends

Support your girl friends by being there for each other and having each other’s back. Offer a listening ear with a safe, nonjudgmental space where they can share their struggles and joys. Take the time to truly listen to their stories and allow them to express themselves freely. The goal is to make them feel supported and validated, especially when they’re facing struggles that only women can understand.

Don’t forget to remind each other of your incredible worth! When your friends are feeling down, highlight their strengths and lift their spirits. And when they achieve something great, celebrate their successes. In a world that can sometimes feel harsh, kindness and compassion can make things so much better.

A Stranger

Supporting our fellow women, even those we don’t know, is a beautiful way to spread positivity and unity. One great way to do this is by giving genuine compliments. Though it may feel a bit awkward at first, a heartfelt compliment can truly brighten someone’s day. Whether it’s praising their style, their work, or simply their infectious energy, your words of encouragement can make a world of difference.

Another way to empower others is by backing women-owned businesses and causes that champion women’s rights. It’s as easy as spreading the word to others or making a conscious effort to purchase from female entrepreneurs. By rallying behind each other in this way, we’re not just supporting individual women, but building a stronger, more inclusive community for all of us. 


And don’t neglect your own empowerment! While it’s important to uplift others, it’s just as vital to focus on your own growth and happiness. Self-empowerment means embracing your authentic self and engaging in activities that bring you genuine joy. It’s about recognizing your strengths and believing in your ability to conquer any challenge.

There are countless ways to cultivate self-empowerment. One powerful approach is to practice self-compassion. Speak to yourself with kindness and allow yourself to take space unapologetically. Ensure your cup is always full by prioritizing self-care routines that cater to your needs. When you empower yourself, you not only enrich your own life but also have more love and energy to share with others.

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